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Thursday, September 02, 2004

WMP 10 New Streamlined Design

Windows Media Player 10 for XP

Download Windows Media Player 10 Now

Windows Media Player 10 is designed to make it easy for you to discover,
download, organize, and play your digital media—from music to video,
pictures, and recorded TV.

Streamlined Design

The Player provides faster access to top activities, such as ripping,
burning, and syncing. You can also fine-tune the layout, choose from a
range of online music and video stores and services, and much more.

Windows Media Player 10 Taskbar

Improved Media Library

All of your digital media in one place: purchased music and video, music ripped from CDs, recorded TV, and more.

Windows Media Player 10 Media Library

One Click Access to Common Tasks

With just one click, do what you want with your music. The library has
a new pane where you can drag and drop files to play, save as a
playlist, sync to a portable device, or burn to a CD. Check out the How-to Center to learn more.

Windows Media Player 10 Playlist

Menus are Out of Your Way

The menu bar is hidden by default in Windows Media Player 10. You can access the menus or show the menu bar by clicking the button in the upper-right corner of the Player.

Windows Media Player 10 Hidden Menu bar

Personalize the Player

You can resize Windows Media Player 10 any way you want by clicking and dragging or make it ultra-small with mini Player mode. Read this article to learn more. Visit our skins and visualizations galleries to get a new look for your Player.

Windows Media Player 10 Resizing

More Media Info

View more information about the digital media you play: album art, biographies, reviews,related artists, music videos, and more.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good site but everything I want to do now is to buy a ticket, to rent a car and to go to a cruise...
See you there... Best wishes

10:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good day!
My 14-year-old sister Megan came bounding into the kitchen wearing her black bikini. I had little time to react before she jumped up and wrapped her arms and legs around me. She squealed loudly in my ear and I had to grab onto the counter to keep from falling over.
… I leaned down over

8:30 PM


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